Sunday, 12 October 2014

Auto liker Risks

Facebook is best place for connecting with people. We use Facebook daily to do chatting, calling, sharing Status and Photos which we find interesting. Facebook having lots of entertaining features which create addition. As a normal Facebook user only have around 100-500 friends in there friend list. So we share our thoughts and other day to day moments. but according to Facebook algorithm we only receives around 10-50 likes not for all just Facebook applied a reach limits at all profiles and pages. So it really embarrassing movement when we didn't get likes and comments on our status.
Due to of all these conditions Facebook users start using new method which is known as Auto Likes. They use these auto likers through any website and get hundreds and thousands of likes at their Status and Photos. They use this technique just to attract others by showing too many likes.


Facebook Autolikers are best way to get automatic likes at status and profiles. Facebook Autolikers are websites which collection personal data through token number. Then this collected data is used to generate auto likes. Now the question how they are collecting data. Whenever someone use these auto likers then these sites access their token number to make likes just like if 10 person use any autoliker then they have 10 collected likes. Now if someone use same autoliker then they will get 10 likes on his/her status. In the same total likes increase day by day within increase of their users.Only way to find total likes available is just depend on how many user already used it to get likes. There are many website who offer auto likes in which they need your token number to get access into your account and then they need status id or photo id where want to show fake likes. 


According to Facebook is totally a spam and totally a risky process. Using any Auto liker may results your account disabled or Facebook may apply few restriction on Account. These auto likers may result your account compromised because all the website need token number which means you are providing all the privileges to that application which you use to generate token number. According to Facebook Access Token number it works like an account Passwords. So Any service which need To Token of account may harm your personal information. For more details search at Facebook help center about Access Token.

Few Suggestions About Using Facebook Auto Likers

  • Never use Auto Like services from your original Account.
  • Auto Likers need Access Token Number which works like a password. So using it through your personal account may result account compromised.
  • Getting Auto likes on Status or Photo is also against Facebook usage terms. So Facebook may apply restriction on Liking and commenting and results into account disable. 
So i hope this tutorial is helpful for you make clear all the facts about Facebook auto likes. I know you want to likes but i suggest you that always use autolikers with precautions.

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